Jul 14, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Bonertron was my favourite word from the whole story! I sure you couldn't believe your luck when she unbuttoned your fly. There is unfinished business with Claire

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I also liked 'bonertron', well, obvs - or I wouldn't have written it. But yes, my luck was not being believed the moment she was there, the moment she led me outside, the moment she laid me down, the moment she did that, the moment she left. At that point, reality came back with - ironically - quite the bang. Thanks for reading, Emma.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I laughed heartily at the "BLOCKED"

Thanks once again Danger

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It was as quick as that too. I'm not sure what I expected, but I think it was pretty much anything but that. I wanted to tell her what a significant moment the whole thing was, a real coming of age moment. But she wasn't interested. Perhaps understandable, perhaps I should have been a bit more delicate, like 'There's something I want to ask you about that's a bit odd..." or something. Anyway, you only get your first chance once. Thanks for reading Doc.

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Ankle bracelets ARE for sluts! That's why I LOVED them :P

I'm sure most men can see themselves at a similar age in very similar situations... I know I can... and now I feel better I’m not alone.

Another great read, brother!

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Cheers John. Yes, it's a coming (steady) of age tale really, and I'd be concerned (or more concerned perhaps) if such things only happened to me. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I'm a sucker for the ankle bracelet. I definitely share Chris's appreciation of the slut look 😉

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It's a look that has refined itself since time began - which is why it works. It's a shame the words are considered pejorative because they're actually maximizing their power at a time when their hormones want them to breed. What kind of a culture looks down its communal nose at that? One that's not breeding at replacement rates, perhaps?

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Yep bang on there Chris. It's just obvious to us. The woman folk have always done the best with what they have for reproduction purposes. That's Something that the blue haired leftoid femafacists have opted out of. Mainly because they know that they were never gonna be in the race to start with. Bizarrely they then try to sabotage sports day for everyone.

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There's very few attractive feminists. Paglia stands out - but she can't stand mainstream feminism. Funny thing is, changing the rules of the game doesn't give them an advantage, it just attempts to make others fail, which is just spiteful and bitter, like feminism itself.

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Indeed. We've both had the privilege of sticking our 'oars' in whilst two hot bi-curious girls indulge in their lesbian fantasy. That's all well & good. What goes on tour stays on tour. These middle aged feminist dykes have given up on men because men have given up on them. Sad really but I do hope they find some happiness.

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Yes, had a few threes on the way, some were amazing, others were awful. Regarding the current situation, there's a manufactured and damaging schism between the sexes, and much like most of the social engineering of the last thirty years, we won't really know the damage for another twenty or so years. I'm not optimistic.

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oh dear - do you really believe that about feminists? Like your writing a lot but this and the comments below are so dull and uninteresting

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I don't know what comments you mean because of the way, Substack organises comments. But all points are fair, although if you give me a bit more to work with I'd be happy to discuss.

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yes they rain on our parades and comandeer rainbows for theirs

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Ha, very profound Linda. Love it x

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OMG, is that a true story? That woman is cruel!

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Hello Elsie. Thank you for reading it. And yes, this all happened. But the cruel lessons tend to be the ones you learn the most from - or certainly learn something profound from. Then you put the trauma in your backpack and carry on up the hill.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Good breeding is all in the jeans.

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Thanks for reading it, Liam.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

At last a Danger tale in my world. Took me back not to the 80's but the skinhead era of the 70's. Thanks for the sweet memories Chris a good read.

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Nice one, Martin. There's a lot more of this kind of writing in my novel, childhood and teenage stories. Can talk about Skaaaaag forever. Glad you enjoyed the memories, me not so much.

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 22, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I should have placed this comment up top. I’m too lazy to start over.

Nah… it took me back to the 1960s hippie days and when Candy (great hippie name) wanted to “corrupt” me by leading me to the riverbank. I wasn’t 15 I was 14 and Candy still had on teeth braces so what the fuck happens when both partners are underage? Who gets charged with rape when both are underage? After reading this, I think I’ll compose a piece for my memoirs on juvenile sex.

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Thanks for reading, Bill. I guess it still comes down to consent - and the MASSIVE bias against men and boys in the judiciary, of course. While not a memoir as such, the novel I'm currently nearing completion has several teenage sexual encounters - it's quite the can of creative worms in today's politically stupid context. Interestingly, I had less of such challenges writing about my own sexual abuse than I did consensual childhood fumbles. Best wishes.

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My first book “Donald’s Vanity Tantrums” is full of scathing satires of my former president. It seems you guys are mostly British. Next book mostly written is “Katz on Cats and Other Animal Tails.”

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I think that should count as a #mantoo moment.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022Author

Good call - I'll get onto Tucker Carlson immediately.

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

It’s almost rape😂😐😑

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Unfortunately not.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Ha ha, save it for the book!

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This tale isn't in the novel, but I can always update the text. 'Gobstopper', damn! How did I miss that?

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Bonertron 😂 I actually felt really sorry for you Chris! What a b@tch Claire was! Obviously she knew very well you wanted to do sensual things with her back in Sweetie World! What a gobstopper!

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She certainly did. I've been thinking though, after writing it, it was better than nothing. What did I expect, full oral to completion on the grass outside the Sea Cadet party? More? Although I was most displeased at the rocket that went to the moon, only to turn and come crashing back to Earth just as fast, it was - all things considered - wonderful. And I learned something very important about desire and other people. Thanks for reading. (A bit gutted I didn't get 'gobstopper' into the text)

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

You have told this tale,numerous times,not a complaint,just mean that been watching you for a long time..I think you should send it to her...would love to hear her take on her actions..

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Have I? I have absolutely no recollection of telling this story. But then I do talk a lot and don't remember half of it, so you're probably a better judge of that than me. I might send it to her. I don't want to be nasty though, we were all young once and she was only in her twenties, and I put my soul on a plate to be fair. Thanks for reading.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I've not heard it before

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yes you have told it but I had forgot the details, I didn't realise she teased so much, but yeah live and learn, maybe she started thinking of consent, lol. Total power trip on her part, hopefully you boosted her sexual omnipetence

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Thanks for being someone else who remembers the story thought I was going mad when others said he had not lol

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Author

Ha! Andrew - I say so many different things so many times, I don't remember most of it. What I'm saying is - trust yourself over me with such things.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022Author

I just said much the same in reply to your other comment, Linda.

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Jul 24, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Lol I know but only seemed I was only one remembering the story so was questioning my sanity,even though you confirmed it...just the line when you first told on you back looking at the stars then her leaving you hanging..brutally cruel really,but she got her kick out of it I guess..

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Chris if it helps when you told it before you described lying there looking up at the stars as it unfolded

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Lol it always stuck with me because she walked away and left you hanging,so to speak..

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Ha - yeah, that's the bit that stuck with me. Maybe should have called it 'Bitter-Sweetie World'

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Dragged along the tarmac of life in a car-crash of desire, just about says it all. I like the 'permanently exploding' description of the sex bomb Claire. It does have an almost violent quality, the sheer power, a young woman's beauty can wield.

A good fun one, this. All the crude riot of that early mad love. It's hard not to be distracted, while reading such a sweaty tale, by one's own memories of this dizzying time. My mind is now awash or, forgive me, stone washed (soz), with vhs images of those strident beauties. Daaaaaah.

I'm hearing 'Gone Daddy Gone' by the violent femmes.

Gertcha x

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Nice one Ludwig - Feeling rather grandiose the other night I wrote on Twitter that 'Writing is about what's left out' and that's what you've alluded to here. To make sense of the piece you need to insert (steady!) your own memories into the story and therefore it affects you on a more profound level - give the reader all the information and you may as well be writing a report. I knew this yarn had a more 'everyman' truth about it than a lot of my work, and wanted people to feel the memories of their similar données. Boys becoming men is a lot more boy and not so much men - and yet we get there eventually. Nice one, Ludwig - much appreciated as always.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

An absolute belter of a young teen boner yarn!

I’ve been there and sometimes daydream about the what could have been had I been a little bit more of a man.

The memories are seared onto my memory but all a little jumbled.

I can’t believe I fitted it all in to such a few years…..by 20 I’d dropped outa uni and was working full time. It was then literally the grindstone for me, or at least a 4” angle grinder cutting slabs of marble up.

Ahh, the late 80’s, early 90’s.

Keep em cumming Danger!

Love it.

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Author

Nice one, Rollo - and you nailed it - 'Had I been more of a man' - because we were not men, we were becoming men, which is why it was all so confusing. Thanks for the comment.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Well as the years go by and the stories are retold I always nails em!

The reality was different.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Fuck's sake, what an anticlimax!! For you though not the reader, could almost see that coming..or not.

A wonderful story that most of us can relate to. Its full of very amusing Dangerisms as usual.

Things were a little different for me, at 15 I had a girlfriend that used to let herself into my mum & dad's house, bring coffee & toast up to my room & climb into bed. There was never an anticlimax (maybe for her, I was only 15). She'd then walk to school, sometimes I'd go with her, mainly I didn't.

I remember Jean Jeanie, we had one in my 'piss stinking shopping centre on the new side of town', (Heartland~The The😉) the Arndale Centre Luton. Don't recall a sweety world though.

The 80s were certainly the orgy at the end of an empire. I miss it dearly & I'm still in love with it's soundtrack.

Thanks for taking me back briefly. Butyle!

As I can't be trusted to own reading glasses anymore, I'm sitting here wearing my girlfriend's readers. Trust me, it ain't a good look. Just wanted to let you know how seriously I take your work! 😁


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Hello Al - Sorry I missed this comment. Yes, the 80s were quite something. It's odd to think at the time it felt like the beginning of something and yet really it was the end of so many good things. I guess being young adds a certain amount of icing to everything - I'm sure our fond teenage memories are selective and there was a lot more trauma than we choose to remember. Maybe not - that's probably the beauty of nostalgia - the not knowing.

A Jean Jeanie in Luton? Ha! It was The Arndale in Dartford too, I don't remember it smelling, but wow, so dark! No windows, no natural light at all, and barely any artificial light. But as a teen, it only take a Claire to make it all worthwhile - school, work, anything.

Nice one, Al. Get some glasses.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Yep glasses on their way, then I can finish 7 Spazzers. Broke them halfway through. I think the lenses disovled in tears of laughter 😉

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Better than your eyes breaking. Cheers, Al.

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Reminded me of when I was 20 and pulled the muscle stud neighbour I'd been lusting over since I was 16.

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Good Lord, I bet you couldn't believe your luck. I certainly couldn't. But I also learned how vulnerable one is rendered in times of desire. It must have been a certain amount of double bubble for you - as there's certain assumptions you can make when straight that are likely the case, and I'm guessing you assumed he was straight, meaning when he....er...wasn't(?) - you know the rest. Cheers, Brad - thanks for reading.

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As you no doubt felt in that moment with Claire, it comes as a huge surprise when you realise "I'm actually attractive."

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I did get that surprise, but not then, it was weird, it felt like she wanted to humiliate me.

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oh to be doing a fuck in this cunting time of life and many more choice phrases from the lexicon of pre actual sexed teenage Dangerfield. Look where you are now, can teenage you belive it? What a cruel nymph, totally uncalled for.

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Haha, I do my best. Well, it was strange because I knew what it was like to not have girls find me attractive as a very young man, around those early teen years. But when I finally (eventually) went through puberty and turned into a young man, it was amazing, I couldn't keep them off me - it's the truth, and from then on it's been an absolute dream. I've been very lucky in that respect, since I know a lot of men find it difficult attracting women. Also, a couple of people have mentioned her being 'cruel' - BUT - it was still quite something - and she was probably pissed and might have suddenly thought 'hang on - how old is this kid? I also learned some important lessons about lust, power, and desire - not that I knew that at the time of course. Thanks for reading, Linda.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

And you didn't even get a Sherbet Dip? Outrageous!

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As Loulou said, more of a 'gobstopper'.

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