Fantastic! This is just one example of why I, for one, cannot wait to see this book in print! I only wish a Hardback copy is available at the same time - oh, and that you could sign it with your own blood...

Looking forward to reading the whole thing, Danger!

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Nice one, John. I think Hardcover is an option, I'll certainly look into it. I don't have any blood left, spilled it all writing this novel. Thanks for reading.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Very much looking forward to reading the whole book in November, keep up the good work.

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Nice one, Jon. it's getting there. And now I have a bit more time on my hands, I'm confident for November. Let's see how well this comment ages. Thanks for reading.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

So, in a way you were the matchmaker, for a match made in heaven. Lol

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Yes - they were made for each other. Although, I doubt much was resolved. In fact, I bet they left the situation much like they arrived, just a bit more bitter, a bit more broken.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I really enjoy your style of writing. So much detail in your writing but the right amount of humour mixed with a difficult subject matter. I’m looking forward to the full novel.

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Thank you, Emma. There's something equally repulsive and attractive about broken people - or at least a fair amount of both - and whether it's ass-pussies and heroin, or flower arranging and making chutney, there's broken people everywhere. Trying to make that quite normal element of human struggle the focus amongst some pretty powerful signifiers is the challenge for me. Win some, lose some. I'm looking forward to you reading the full novel too, lol.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Very good Chris. Reads very well. I havent quite had an encounter like that abroad but I have had stuff in that ball park. Completely non-committal is they way to go until they fuck off (unless of course you can physically intimidate them and tell them to fuck off).

Interestingly I found the Manc MMA fighter even more depressing than the closeted nonce.

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Thank you. It's an interesting point you make - and something I might add to the text (which is why the damn thing never gets finished) because the fighter went straight in with a rapid onslaught of punches, only switching to kicks and elbows when the opponent was beyond saving. Usually in Muay Thai (I say 'kickboxing' in the text but I might change that too) the fighters usually go slow for the first round, a bit of dancing, a bit of checking out the opponent, dare I say it showing a bit of respect and tradition. And although he won, and very quickly, the crowd certainly sensed something was amiss, that perhaps the 'art' of the style was sacrificed for sheer brutality.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Well it's pretty simple. All Manc MMA lad cares about is looking like and establishing himself as a hard bastard. The feigning humble routine. I'd say the "art" or even showing any care for an obviously weaker opponent were at the bottom of that lads list of priorities.....

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Send him after Purple Aki.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Wow, it's the way you tell it. Can't wait for the full novel with audio , accessible version!! I just love the sound of your voice , so for me an audio version, you'd make a mint xx either way brilliant

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Hello Shell. Depending on how well the novel goes down I might make an audiobook, but it's a a lot of work, and the kind that involves sitting in a booth reading for hours and hours and hours and hours and meh. But - they are popular - and if you like the sound of my voice that much, well it would be rude not to. Thanks for reading.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

6 yrs you sure? Short n sweet, well short and probably very violent, but you get the drift, nice one.

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Hello Liz, no, I am not sure. I got the drift. Thanks for reading.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I felt quite uncomfortable,on edge reading that,guess partially because of my own violent past situations,but also because of the the way it was written in a good way...

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Hello Andrew. Yes, it's unpleasant. There's a lot of anger and resentment bubbling just under the surface of many an otherwise quite pedestrian situation. Thanks for reading it.

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Jun 27, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

It'll be out by Christmas!

(year unconfirmed)

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I share your lack of faith.

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Jul 12, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Looking forward the book , This teaser has made me want more :)

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Nice one, Glen. There's plenty more and it's really, honestly, sort of, maybe, approaching completion. Good that you want more though, because there's loads of it. Thanks for reading.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Amazing!!! I’m always blown away by your storytelling and ability to describe complex human emotion in a way that's hilarious but painfully true.

Really terrific work, I was so into it and can’t wait to read the full novel. You truly are a master of picaresque :-)

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Nice one, Gayle - thanks for giving it a read. Picaresque indeed! I'll find out whether it holds together with no story arc, heroes journey or any of that gaff when it's released. It's (kind of) easy to enjoy say a two-thousand word short, but five-hundred of them crammed together with nothing much connecting them? We'll see. But thank you for the kind words, always appreciated.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Nice one Chris. Stop grooming me from your base in Cambodia

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Cheers Mr Saxon. Sometimes I just do it without realizing, it's become second nature now. Nice one for giving it a read.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Enjoyed this one a lot. As that first encounter ends in looking over the impressive form of a fighters back muscles, you jump straight to the strong contrast of small mugs, little rectangle paper bags of sugar and pouring most of it out. Such a nicely feeble action; 'most of it' to set the scene and your situation in that room.

Then the obnoxious stranger. Really well described, his casual obscenity yet the restless paranoia.

The real pleasure here, as with a lot of your writing, is reading these calm but keen assessments of someone's somewhat fractured mental state. Honest, brutally so at times but humane and more often than not, hilarious. '...trauma dancing on the brink of his sanity'. Great, energetic line ...poor lad!

It's hard to write sweet at the risk of sounding trite or insipid but the 'waitress who had put a small part of the world right by smiling again' was lovely, spot on.

Another sharp turn, the quick cruelty of the wind up and a satisfying bit of commotion, off camera, as this cracking scene ends.

Cheers for a great read, Chris.

Looking forward to more.

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Honestly, it's starting to become frightening how you understand the structural details that I expect to be 'read' largely unconsciously by the reader, but you're right on them. If it doesn't need saying, I'm not going to say it, and for example: 'most of it' needed saying for the reason you suggested. The story here is that of a sadist, a sex-pest, and a drug addict. In such a scenario a smile from someone with the small responsibility of a job meant everything. Another cracking comment, Ludwig - thanks for reading and your kind words - and, oh yes there's more, LOADS MORE. That will be the real test. With no real story arc, heroes journey, or any of that guff, will these many fragmented vignettes maintain the interest required to keep going. We'll see I guess.

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I know we take the piss about the time taken to write said book but it looks like it's going to be worth the weight.....In gold.

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Nice one Steve. I left myself open to the abuse by saying it would be ready long before I should have. But it's quite a complex book with no real story arc, arranging all these tableaus (like this teaser) in such a way there's a workable structure (not to be confused with plot) has been quite the job, far more complicated and draining than I thought. But thank you for your kind words, really appreciated.

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Wow, what would you like for dessert? Just........

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Hello Linda - thanks for reading. Another charming moment of human interaction to restore your faith in humanity.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Chris Dangerfield

This is a great taster fot the upcoming novel. It drags me into the characters life, environment and time of which I have little or no experience( other than a holiday in Phuket ) Similar to all of the substacks it is not an endearing tale but somehow keeps me in there....my long record of reading both fiction and non fiction tells me this will be a good piece

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Hello Martin "It is not an endearing tale" is very funny. I was working on it into the wee hours last night, and kept thinking much the same. There's plenty of endearing tales out there already though, usually in charity shops. Although having said that, as a complete story, I think there's an element of hope - or at least dare I say 'love', it takes some finding though. Thanks for reading this teaser and thanks for the much needed vote of confidence.

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