Apr 20, 2021Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Love...and even bloody more love....he knows...he knows....xx ATTENTION!!!! XX 🤣

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Good lord woman, what's going on?

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What you told me ....

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Apr 23, 2021Liked by Chris Dangerfield

I couldn't put that down. Nice one Mr D. Real life is the best read.

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Appreciated. There's a novel somewhere...... Thanks for reading it.

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Apr 19, 2021Liked by Chris Dangerfield

Really enjoyed part 1, looking forward to part 2. Dangerfields back with a boom!

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I'll take that - great stuff.

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Nice. I've always maintained County Lines would have a cracking little business if they just sorted out their Customer Service department.

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Some of the most unpleasant people I have ever met. Easily knocked though if you're prepared to travel.

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Finally got round to finishing reading this ( your YT stream reminded me to ) really enjoyed it Chris, your descriptions bring a whole new insight into this world I knew nothing about, and are a mastery of the English language. Sometimes beautifully grotesque if that makes any kind of sense.

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That's the plan! Nice one Dave, it's quite a commitment, especially both parts, so much appreciated.

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Oh I already responded to you. Bonus.

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I just mentioned this piece on your other review, so thanks for reading them both. It's a great description of what I'm trying to do, so I'll take that review any day.

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I'm trying to read it in your voice.

Great stuff. The life you've had has been fraught. Your knowledge of the Frankfurt School et al. is amazing and you should be a professor at a university, if there was any justice.

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I was struck by your grasp of the English language. I've kind of given up on it and just do what I do, but you've got something.

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Loved it Chris on to part 2 now

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Nice one Sarah, I didn't make it clear it was in two parts, and it's only because I didn't realise there's a word limit for each post. But thanks for persevering, and it really makes a difference when people are enjoying it.

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Love it Chris made me feel sad though in what I have put my Mum through.

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Yes, it's the people you drag into your Hell that really don't deserve it. Thanks for reading.

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I put off reading this for a while because there's always the fear, in viewing a friend's creation, that it might be a bit pants and you'll have to mumble some faint praise. Not here.

Your writing is strong, natural and doesn't hang about. Descriptions are vibrant and witty without feeling forced. The brief exchange between you and ma and the mess of papers was brilliantly painted. Culture indeed.

I feel silly for any doubts as I had so enjoyed your stories back on the tube, but pleasantly surprised to find the writing this good. Nice one Chris. This is so your voice and it's nice to hear it again.

Much love, Matt (or Ludwig in scrubland)

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Hello Matt - what a lovely comment - and I am aware of the fear you speak of. There's loads of 'creatives' in my social circle and it's always "read this, look at this" and I'm always a bit "oh gosh, what am I going to say when it's awful, which they often are. But thanks for your detailed reply. You know there's a part two already published? Although it could ruin everything: https://chrisdangerfield.substack.com/p/bits-of-rehab-part-2

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Off to work. I'll save it for tonight... roaring fire, pipe, slippers, ovaltine etc

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I have Ovaltine out here, in this heat, I love it.

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Some wonderfully vivid descriptions there, Dangerfield. Like others, I read this in your voice (or was it Russell Brand?).

I was sceptical about the substack project, but really enjoyed reading this. Thanks.

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Nice one Greggo - thanks for giving it a chance - already working on the next one which I think will pull a few laughs.

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Thank you for sharing your humanity. I say I can relate to a certain extent as I have been sober for three years. Honestly it doesn’t seem fair to compare heroin to alcohol but I suppose addiction is addiction. But is it? I look forward to P2.

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Well done - now make it count. There's nothing worse than being clean for nothing, it's worse than using. Part two published.

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Glad to have some more of your musings. Have been looking forward to it. Have struggled to find the time to read it so have got someone to read it to me! Thanks mate. https://www.naturalreaders.com/online/

I used the Peter (UK voice) at normal speed (-1 is too slow).

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Nice one, Peter. Never knew that existed. How interesting. Might help me edit these newsletters as I'm not paying for an editor until I monetize, which will be a long way down the road.

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Happy to help. I used to have a lot of time listening to you on Bitchute in the car when I was commuting. Never really have time to do much reading with young kids and work. So audiobooks it is!

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Glad to have the opportunity to finally read your work, So true about wakeing up and wanting to be a heroin addict I wanted it from the age of 10 after being given Vicodin by my grandfather who stormed the beaches of Normandy and froze his legs in the battle of the bulge but never got past the 6th grade so did not know they were an addictive drug and like you read Burroughs and the like, plus my 12 year old self worshipping at the alter of Cobain lol I wanted it! Lol the people who work in rehabs and methadone clinics, they may have once cared but no longer do. I really relate to being put through the hideous cogs of the junk machine, the methadone program in the states is insane. I miss your face and voice but am glad you are doing what u love and am excited for part two, thanks for the yarn but I have to go stare at the clock smokeing spliffs until it’s says 5am so I can go to the methadone clinic lol as always -Ed from Chicago

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Hello Ed, it's remarkable that they've got so much wrong in so many areas. I guess there's some collective unconscious happily letting a certain strata of the population just disappear. One day they'll find out who's paying and things might change.

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Wish I'd read this before I did a stint in a so called rehab, payment was via our benefit books which they took off us and then made us sign weekly. I knew then I was going to become a junkie, it looked so glamorous to me a liitle alkie from a small village. Turns out, it was boring as fk basically 5 years of groundhog day, nothings really changed now I'm 3 yrs clean think I'm broken, oh well it is what it is, Good story especially liked the bit about your mum, I do that with my eldest 😬

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You've done well. Stick with it, but work needs to be done. Taking your benefit books off you, haha, and then getting you to pray. What a coup.

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Laughed often, and when maybe I should not have. Good work! Didn't "get" all of it, not being a brit. A bit abrupt in direction changes, but loved your description talents. Keep doing the writer thing but miss the face time

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Cheers Mark. Yes, it's definitely British, trying to change that might do more damage than good. And the abrupt direction changes have been the bane of my writing life, I've made my peace with it now. Dare I call it my style?

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It is your style from your mind, and it can't be anything else, no more than you can change your upbringing, my bad.

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No, it was a fair point, these things need considering.

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Having just left one of those hellscapes it was quite easy to see the picture(s) you are creating.. Solid, looking forward to part 2 Chris..

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Fresh from the processing plant. Takes some breaths. You have to stop, sure, but rarely have people signed up for that. The real challenge being there's very few options, and every time I went back I knew what was coming. I hope you got at least something out of it. Part 2 later today.

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The last three times I've gotten something out of it, but nothing tangible.. this time though, I realized immediately that I was dealing with cookie cutter feelings rearrangers with freshly printed degrees, and folders full of platitudes.. but the BIG difference today is that I actually knowwho and what I am, and made the choice to stop fucking up on my own (without the psychobabble bs) and am actually looking forward to reflecting on the past with a clear head.. off to read part two, cheers..

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There you go - and they are actually good to get you away from your life, have a break, a bit of time for reflection. It's just a shame about the other 99%.

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It is a shame.. it is..

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