Apr 20, 2021Liked by Chris Dangerfield


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It's there, you have a family full of it. Let it in.

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Amazing, Chris, life's not quite the same without your YouTube channel but it's fantastic to still be able to read your stories. You're a great writer, engaging and perfectly descriptive. Keep up the great work and when your book comes out I'll be buying a few copies, one for me and some for friends!

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Hello Pete - I've just woken up and that's my first engagement with another human, and it's made me very happy. Thanks for reading it, and yes, I'm still working on the novel, but pointless to say when, I've tried that and got burned too many times.

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My only criticism is you use the Metric and not Imperial measurements.

But otherwise, gud vid.

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Great read cant wait for your next one.

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I *might* finish it in the early hours tonight (actually tomorrow morning) and I'm six hours ahead of UK) but if not, definitely the weekend.

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Great Chris, again, from a 'normie' perspective having no idea about rehab, you have certainly opened my eyes mate, thank you

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Nice one Dave, they are down their with prisons and psyche wards, really. Awful places. And desperate families sell the car to send their kids their for what, a telling off and some prayers?

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Enjoyed P2 bits and honestly it makes me miss you on YT even more but such is life! Impermanence is the name of the game. I love your writing!

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Thank you Lisa, writing is my true passion, I always felt I was performing on YouTube -well not always, but about 90% of the time and there's something about that I don't like. Another SUBSTACK coming out this weekend, by which I mean very late Sunday.

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Daaah, just realised that's the whole piece! My bad. Reading the end again, it's obvious now. Guess I was hoping for more? Still, a great read nonetheless. Much love, peace.

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I'm new to all this so didn't think about writing things like "part two to follow" and "The End" although I've learned my lesson now. Thanks for getting through the second part.

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Another fascinating, enjoyable read. It still has a feeling of being thrown in at the deep end. There's a lot of intense stuff to take in and it jumps quickly from tale to tale. The effect is quite chaotic but, for me, that adds to how well you are describing the carnival.

I'm intrigued by how you became able to see through the inherent absurdities yet kept going back. At this stage I like that the writing has this menacing weight of these two entangled forces; their flame, your moth.

William's story feels it could be a longer exposé of this peculiar industry. Indeed each story feels like it could be a whole chapter, all its own. But, it all works, short and punchy like this.

Yeah, digging it, Chris. Look forward to more.

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Hey Ludwig. I had considered it as a novel - maybe one for the future, a chapter per person, not explicitly connected, with a story arc, but links and crossovers between the chapters. Been working on this other novel now I've got some time. And my next Substack should be live this weekend. Thanks for reading it.

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Gud 👍🏻

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Nice one Tim.

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Can't wait for the next one. Thanks for this.

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This weekend. Hopefully Saturday night, Probably Sunday night. Nice one, thanks for reading it.

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Hello Chris hope this finds you well I enjoyed your newsletter can't wait to read the next one take care my friend

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Hello Allan - good to see you my friend. The next one is already being written and I think you'll like it. Lots of laughs. Best wishes, and thanks for reading.

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Great work Chris. Really enjoyed it.

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Nice one Chris - thanks for putting in the time.

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Did you ever get to walk about the town after 3 wks clean? In groups of 5 usually comprising of 1 Blackman, 1 Welsh, Cockney, Brummie, maybe an Irish one lol, then you all meet up with another group of said people in town😂😂😂 rehabers written all over us I did recovery in Weston s Mare rehab capital of Europe.

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Yeah,I know the story. The whole town hates you because they know half the people leaving will end up living in that town, and then relapse, and then they've got another one on their doorstep. And when they see that little gaggle of tramps and weirdos, congregating in the street on the tax man, it doesn't fill them with joy, shall we say. I think I've done Weston, like 15 years ago. I remember looking at one there and they were like "Give us your card details and we'll pick you up in a Jaguar and drive you to the facility". HAHA, bet it went down from there.

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Sums up the rehab experience for me. TDs skimping out on hiring some cleaners.

Random junkies freezing to death but not dying, alkies noses, but you forgot about the young women who are all bleeding heart nuts.

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Yes, there were a few types wo didn't get a mention, but when I was at 8000 words I was like "You need to wrap this up" combined with "there's no real ending". But nice to know someone who knows the TDs - they're Ds, that's all. Thanks for reading it.

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No worries I enjoyed it, gave me some wry laughs.

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Fantastic!! Looking forward to next month's article.

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AMAZING! I'm very happy with the responses I've had. Thank you. I was strangely nervous knowing it definitely was going out in a week or so. Already started the next one, should be a bit more relaxed.

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Loved it! Great piece of writing Chris, keep it coming.

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Thank You Sam, at over 10K words you put the work in, which is much appreciated.

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